Susan Freeman, MA, Rabbi

CPE Supervisor
VITAS Innovative Hospice Care
9655 Granite Ridge Dr.
Suite 300
San Diego CAUSA

Biographical Sketch:
Rabbi Susan Freeman is a chaplain and certified Clinical Pastoral Education supervisor at VITAS Innovative Hospice Care in San Diego. Originally from Denver, CO, Susan has her M.A. in Hebrew Literature and Rabbinic Ordination from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. She has worked as a congregational rabbi, education director, High Holiday Cantor, and dancer, and has been involved in hospice chaplaincy since 2003. She is the co-author of Torah in Motion: Creating Dance Midrash, and author of Teaching Jewish Virtues: Sacred Sources and Arts Activities and Teaching Hot Topics: Jewish Values, Resources, and Activities. Most recently, she presented on the topic of “Transformations of Despair” at the 2010 ACPE National Conference in Kansas City, MO; on Jewish views of end of life at a hospital conference in San Diego and at special seminars for VITAS employees and CPE students; and on ACPE certification strategies at a Pacific Region ACPE sub-regional workshop. Throughout her tenure as a dancer, she conducted workshops at institutions around the country. Following the publication of her book on Jewish Virtues and the Arts, she conducted workshops at conferences for educators and was a guest presenter for numerous lay communities (predominantly from 1999 - 2003). In December 2010 she completed a year-long 144 hour Anusara Yoga Teacher Training course. In Fall 2010, The Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling published her personal reflection "Opening to Torah, Bedside."