Jean Hopkins, MS, CT

Alliance Home Health Care, LLC.
5981 Jefferson St NE
Albuquerque NMUSA

Biographical Sketch:
Jean Hopkins, MS, CT, serves as Chaplain at Alliance Health Home Care, LLC., in Albuquerque, New Mexico, providing spiritual care for hospice patients and their families, individual/group/memorial service bereavement support, and community education and relations. While interfaith in her ministry, she is personally grounded in Buddhism and is endorsed by Sandhill Crane Sangha of Albuquerque. A graduate of Upaya Zen Center’s intensive program “Being With Dying: Compassionate End-of-Life Care,” she is a frequent panel member representing the Buddhist perspective. Jean’s hospice experience includes the launching of Alliance’s hospice service, three years chaplaincy with VITAS Innovative Hospice Care® in Florida and volunteer hospice experience in British Columbia. With twenty years experience as an international trainer, she brings a depth of experience to diversity issues, communication skills, meditative and contemplative practices, acceptance and empowerment.