Dianne B. Gray, BS

Hospice and Healthcare Communications
7130 Blue Juniper Court Ste. 102 (Do not publish address)
Naples FLUSA
Email: dgray@hhccommunications.com

Biographical Sketch:
Dianne Gray is President of Hospice and Healthcare Communications, a firm that specializes in the creation and implementation of education and advocacy projects designed to promote and further quality hospice and palliative care initiatives globally. Dianne is also a part the team at Deyta, LLC, a Kentucky based company responsible for providing reports on quality and satisfaction in the hospice and homecare industries. In the past, she was Director of National Strategic Partnerships with Quality of Life Publishing, and partnered with hospices globally in publication and of promotion of the award winning book, Tea With Elisabeth, a tribute to the late hospice pioneer, Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. Dianne has 25 years of experience as an entrepreneur and international business consultant. She has worked, traveled and/or lived in over 15 countries in Europe and Latin America, including Mexico, Ecuador, Argentina, Belize and Panama. Dianne speaks Spanish fluently and her unique perspective allows Dianne to understand cultural diversity and access issues critical in today's hospice industry. Dianne has founded four nonprofit organizations designed specifically to assist special needs and/or terminally ill children and their families and has also worked in the professional sports arena. As a fourteen year caregiver for her then terminally ill son, Austin, Dianne has experienced the challenges of pain management, reimbursement, access, and medical ethical decision making issues, amongst others. Dianne is IPPC (Initiative for Pediatric Palliative Care) certified and is continuing her professional education within the hospice industry. As well, she sits on the board of Children's Hospice and Palliative Care Coalition, the Elisabeth Kubler Ross Foundation, and the Medical Ethics Committe of Avow Hospice, amongst others. She is an award winning writer and presenter, having contributed ADEC's professional journal The Forum, numerous magazines, industry textbooks and websites.