Karren Weichert

Midland Care
200 SW Frazier Cir
1932 SW Collins Ave
Topeka KSUSA
Email: kweichert@midlandcc.org

Biographical Sketch:
Karren Weichert is President and CEO of Midland Care Connection,Inc.a specilized health care provider serving persons with chronic and terminal diseases. The focus of the organization is to provide seamless patient centered care and family support through a continuum of care options. Karren has extensive healthcare management experience and has provided leadershp to the Midland Care organization for more than two decades. Beginning as a small hospice provider, Karren has lead the organization to become one of the leading providers in Kansas of home-focused services through a contiuum of health services ranging from respite, home support/home health, adult day care, PACE , hospice and counseling. Under Karren's leadership, Midland Care Connection became the first hospice provider in the country to also become a PACE provider. Her expereinces growing an organization from a single provider type to a multidimensional program of care and services have given Karren the opportunity frequently speak locally, regionally and nationally on the topics of adult day care, hospice, PACE, not-for-profit management and leadership. She often consults with organizations seeking to expand into new opportunites of care delivery. Karren continues to be an active leader at the state and national level for both hospice and PACE. She has served on numerous committees and task forces for the National Hospice and Palliaitive Care organization (NHPCO) and served two terms as a director on the NHPCO board of directors and currently serves on the Governance Committee. She currently serves on the National Pace Association board of directors and chairs the public policy committee. ublic Policy Committee.