Molly Johnson, BS, CHES, KPA-CTP

Owner and Consultant
Canine Comfort, LLC
527 Kessler Drive
Neenah WIUSA

Biographical Sketch:
Brief Biography Molly Johnson, Owner & Consultant, Canine Comfort, LLC Molly Johnson is dedicated to helping organizations develop and manage high quality therapy dog programs. Molly is an AKC-Canine Good Citizen Evaluator, a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, and a tester/evaluator for Therapy Dogs, Incorporated. She has more than twenty years of experience in program management, public relations & marketing, and therapy dog training & ownership. Her education includes a B.S. Degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and credits earned toward a masters degree in Health Education from the University of Alabama. She recently became a Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner, one of only 350 in the US. Molly has worked with hospice organizations, funeral homes, public libraries, schools, and other community organizations to establish therapy dog programming. She is the owner of Canine Comfort, LLC and is the founder and Executive Director of Compassionate Canines, Incorporated, a volunteer-based organization comprised of dedicated therapy dog-handler teams. Molly stays very active in her community visiting people of all ages with her three registered therapy dogs, Beamish, Dudley, and Madigan.