Education and Practical Resources to Enhance Care of Veterans with Life-Limiting Illness

Friday, October 7, 2011: 1:15 PM-2:45 PM
Primary Presenter:
Pam Malloy, RN, MN, FPCN
Emil Zuberbueler, BS , Deborah Grassman, ARNP and Michelle Gabriel, RN, MS
Area of Emphasis: Education
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe end-of-life issues specific to Veterans
2. Review the importance of interdisciplinary care and the critical need for education of all team members
3. Identify educational materials (ELNEC-For Veterans) and practical resources (We Honor Veterans)that can assist members of the interdisciplinary team in improving palliative care for Veterans
4. Illustrate current examples of best practices from interdisciplinary team members in implementing and disseminating ELNEC-For Veterans and We Honor Veterans projects
One in four dying Americans is a Veteran.  Reviewing NHPCO’s and Veterans Affairs (VA) We Honor Veterans program and VA’s End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) – for Veterans educational project will provide practical resources for improving physical, psychological, social and spiritual care of all Veterans across a variety of clinical settings.
See more of: 90-minute workshop