Transformations of Despair: The Arts Informing Patient Care

Thursday, October 6, 2011: 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Primary Presenter:
John Gillman, Ph.D.
Susan Freeman, MA, Rabbi
Area of Emphasis: Spiritual Care
Learning Objectives:
1. Identify resources for exploring feelings of despair as these arise in the clinical setting
2. Express thoughts and feelings about despair as a hospice team member using the visual arts, dance, ritual and psalm
3. Engage resources for the transformation of despair as this arises in the hospice setting
Suffering and pain occasionally lead to periods of despair for patients and family members. Even hospice interdisciplinary team members may encounter their own despair in working intensely in the clinical setting. This interactive workshop uses the arts to open up new ideas and considerations for addressing despair and to explore possible modalities for the transformation of despair.
See more of: 90-minute workshop