Caring for Dying Young Moms with Kids: How We Can Do It Better

Tuesday, November 6, 2012: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Primary Presenter:
Ann M. Fitzsimons, BS, MBA
Area of Emphasis: Palliative Care Continuum
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe first-hand the range of decisions, situations and issues a young woman with children faces when she is dying
2. Discuss the unique aspects of palliative and hospice care for a young, dying woman with children and identify ways hospice can help
3. Identify hands-on patient and family-centered suggestions on how to provide better supportive palliative and hospice care for dying Moms and their young families
Hospice is focused on caring for all our dying, yet the statistics show that these are generally our seniors who have lived long, and for the most part, happy, healthy and productive lives.  However, each year, many young women with children die, and the ramifications of these deaths are far-reaching.   Caring for these young Moms and their families presents unique challenges and requires an in-depth look at what it’s like from the family’s perspective.  Come inside the personal journey of a 44-year old Mom dying of cancer, leaving three young boys behind, to learn how to better support similar patients in terms of their emotional, financial, medical and spiritual struggles, so that in the end, it can be a “good death” for all.
See more of: 60-minute