MDP NHPCO’s Hospice Manager Development Program’s Foundational Course (Day 1)

Tuesday, October 13, 2015: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM
Dallas 6/7 (Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center) - Convention Center - Level 3
Primary Presenter:
Kay Mueggenburg, PhD, MSN, RN, CHPN , McKendree University, Lebanon, IL
Jennifer Kennedy, MA, BSN, RN, CHC , National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, Alexandria, VA and Turner West, MPH, MTS , Hospice of the Bluegrass - Lexington, Lexington, KY
The Hospice MDP is a comprehensive management training program that provides hospice-specific information and helps new and developing managers develop the skills they need to meet the challenges and changes they face in managing programs, systems and people. Rooted in the values of hospice care, the two-day foundational course to be offered at this conference is the “springboard” for a wealth of ongoing learning opportunities in the field of hospice management.

Click here for additional information

Learning Objectives:
1. .
2. .
3. .

CE/CME: Nurse and Social Worker