Dying for a Good Leader

Thursday, March 27, 2014: 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
National Harbor 11 (Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center)
Primary Presenter:
Ron Culberson, MSW, CSP
Area of Emphasis: Team Management and Leadership
Learning Objectives:
1. Recognize the need for managing the pressure of leadership by developing techniques that create balance
2. Develop effective organizational processes which seek excellence and are fulfilling to staff
3. Motivate and inspire staff, as well as members of the community, through effective communication
Effective management and leadership in hospice and palliative care requires a unique combination of skills. First, leaders need to effectively manage the pressures of leadership so that they have a balanced approach to moving the organization forward while attending to staff. Second, leaders need to create a culture in which excellence and job satisfaction thrive. Lastly, leaders need the skills to motivate and inspire both staff and the members of their communities. In this funny yet practical program, leaders will learn how to develop the necessary skills to lead the staff of a successful hospice and palliative care organization.
  • MLC14_2A_DyingforaGoodLeader.pdf (182.3 kB)
  • See more of: 90-minute Session