Cindy Massuda, JD

Senior Research Analyst
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
7500 Security Blvd
Mailstop WB-06-05
Baltimore MDUSA

Biographical Sketch:
Cindy Massuda joined Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in 1999 as an IT lead and responsible for inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS) payment policy in the Centers for Medicare Management, Division of Acute Care. She has worked in the Office of Information Systems (OIS) on IT issues for Medicare’s major computer systems. Since 2004, Ms. Massuda has worked on Medicare demonstrations. She was the Project Officer in CMS Office of Research, Development and Information (now Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, CMMI), Rural Hospice Demonstration from 2005-2010. That demonstration was the first time Medicare successfully collected aggregated hospice data and implemented a quality assurance program improvement (QAPI) program. Ms. Massuda has also been a Project Officer for the Electronic Medical Records Demonstration, Rural Community Hospital Demonstration, the Physician Group Practice Transition Demonstration, and the Medicare Healthcare Quality Demonstration that includes two palliative care sites. She has been lead for quality measurement in demonstrations. Ms. Massuda brings her subject matter expertise on hospice as lead Project Officer for the Medicare Care Choices Model. Prior to joining CMS, Ms. Massuda was a corporate healthcare attorney focused on risk management in providers practices. She was also a law clerk for the State of Maryland’s consolidated asbestos litigation.