Friday, April 22, 2016: 2:15 PM-3:15 PM
Chesapeake 4-6 (Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center) - 2nd Level
Diane Hill Taylor, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, Alexandria, VA, Barbara Van Dahlen, PhD, Give an Hour, Bethesda, MD and Jeannine English, CPA, MBA, AARP, Washington, DC
AARP Board President Jeannine English will provide an overview of the changing demographics of aging and its increasing impact on providing quality health care including care at the end of life. Barbara Van Dahlen, PhD, founder and president of Give an Hour, will share why this mental health crisis is indeed a crisis that will continue to impact the palliative and hospice care you provide. Ms. English and Dr. Van Dahlen will both challenge and inspire you to lead your organizations in responding to both of these realities --an aging America and a mental health crisis! In addition, the faculty will share resources that are available via their organizations
Learning Objectives:
1. Identify key aging demographics that impact quality hospice and palliative care
2. Describe what the mental health crisis is and why this crisis requires action now
3. Identify resources to assist in championing and ensuring access to care to all, particularly the 50+ and for patients of all ages with mental illnesses
CE/CME: Counselor, Nurse, Physician and Social Worker