Belief and Grief: What is the Connection?

Friday, October 7, 2011: 4:15 PM-5:15 PM
Primary Presenter:
Jennifer Ballentine, MA
Area of Emphasis: Spiritual Care
Learning Objectives:
1. Recognize the inherent relationship between belief and grief and subsequent responses to suffering and loss
2. Encourage the utilization of the “What Now?” response to suffering and loss
3. Develop a greater appreciation and understanding of how belief informs the grieving process
How does your perception of God (the Divine) shape your experience of loss? Griefoften challenges our foundational beliefs, literally bringing us to our knees in search of help, hope and meaning. Viktor Frankl, a 20th century psychiatrist, explored the issue of inexplicable suffering and concluded that meaningless suffering poses the greatest threat to humanity. Therefore, the challenge in the midst of suffering is the discernment of meaning, which is informed and influenced by personal beliefs, expectations and perception of the situation.  Explore how your spiritual beliefs serve to inform, shape and influence your journey through grief as we discuss the plight of Job as well as four contemporary case studies depicting death, career, relationship and health losses.
See more of: 60-minute session