Creating Sacred Space for Renewal and Reflection: Personal Responsibility and Practical Applications

Saturday, October 8, 2011: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Primary Presenter:
Noreen Carrington, LMFT, FT
Julie Prazich, MD and Holly B. Yang, MD
Area of Emphasis: Interdisciplinary Team
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe how one interdisciplinary group created a sacred space that can be used as a model for other groups
2. Develop an individualized plan utilizing sacred space in small moments throughout the day
3. Create a labyrinth tile to join existing tiles that honor each individual’s sacred space while creating community space
Creating and utilizing sacred space for renewal and reflection are infrequent occurences in the fast-paced and emotionally-laden work of hospice and palliative care. We provide our patients’ caregivers with solid suggestions for “taking care of themselves”, however we are not always quintessential role models. This workshop will demonstrate through discussion, experiential learning and sharing, how one interdisciplinary group of colleagues created a sacred, satisfying and rejuvenating space for themselves.  Participants will learn how they can take the initiative to create a sacred space individually and in the embrace of community. Participants will personalize a classical labyrinth for walking meditation, as first steps down the path towards integrating self-renewal practices into one’s work life and solidifying the commitment to creating one’s own sacred space.
See more of: 90-minute workshop