Caring for Holocaust Survivors Near the End of Life

Wednesday, November 7, 2012: 10:00 AM-11:00 AM
Primary Presenter:
Barry Kinzbrunner, MD, FACP, FAAHPM
Area of Emphasis: Access and Outreach
Learning Objectives:
1. better understand how holocaust survivors perceive pain and other symptoms
2. gain an appreciation for how the experiences during the holocaust affect survivors’ decisions regarding end of life care issues.
3. better appreciate the attitudes of the children of holocaust survivors toward the impending death of parent
This presentation will examine the issues that hospice caregivers face when caring for patients who are among the last survivors of the Nazi holocaust. These patients have specific needs that hospice caregivers need to understand and address, including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), exaggerated pain responses and various forms of cognitive loss flashbacks and/or other abnormal behaviors related to the ordeal they experienced some many years ago. The fact that they survived the holocaust may also affect their attitudes towards advance directives, decisions about unnecessary treatments and acceptance of life’s end. Their experiences also have profound effects on the personalities, attitudes and behaviors of their children (and grandchildren).
See more of: 60-minute