The Future of Caring: Engaging the Next Generation of Healthcare Professionals

Wednesday, November 7, 2012: 11:15 AM-12:15 PM
Primary Presenter:
Patsy Abbott, RN, BSN, CHPN
Area of Emphasis: Access and Outreach
Learning Objectives:
1. Partner with academic institutions to provide effective classroom and clinical learning experiences for students in degree and non-degree healthcare programs
2. Connect the dots between educational opportunities for students and advocacy for access to end-of-life care
3. Describe how the successful transition from student to practicing hospice care professional positively impacts both the individual and the hospice
The healthcare students of today are our care providers of the future.  Nothing shapes perception more than experience.  Participants in this session will learn that creating opportunities for future health care professionals to experience firsthand the impact of interdisciplinary end-of-life care is a vital step in creating a future in which healthcare professionals are well-prepared to both advocate for and provide meaningful care to an aging population.
See more of: 60-minute
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