I Don't Know Who He Is But I Know He Loves Me

Monday, November 5, 2012: 1:30 PM-2:30 PM
Primary Presenter:
Brian Bagley-Bonner, MDiv
Area of Emphasis: Clinical/Medical Care
Learning Objectives:
1. Define different time orientations
2. Differentiate between the benefits and burdens of spiritual time orientation.
3. Name various strategies to improve interactions between patients and those who care for and love them
Dementia can lead to difficult interactions between patients, families and caregivers. Families suffer when their loved ones fail to recognize them.  Caregiver-patient interactions can be frustrating and often escalate into emotionally charged melt-downs.   This workshop explores how a new perspective on the patient’s time orientation can give families and caregivers tools that enable more meaningful and fruitful interactions with the patient and reduce suffering for everyone involved.
See more of: 60-minute