The Power of Accountability

Tuesday, November 6, 2012: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Primary Presenter:
Sarah McKinnon, MA
Area of Emphasis: Executive Leadership
Learning Objectives:
1. Define accountability and discuss why it matters
2. List three challenges to becoming accountable
3. Describe a model of accountability and its four key components
In an environment where we have to do more with less, where there is a higher level of acuity in our patients as well as increased regulation and oversight and uncertainty around the future of healthcare, how is it that we can maintin the vision, mission and standard of excellence in the hospice care we provide?  The answer is Accountability!  In this session, faculty will explore the benefits of an organizational culture of accountability giving you the tools to bring this level of integrity to yourself, your staff and your orgazinzation ensuring the highest quality of care for the terminally ill patients and their families you serve!
See more of: 60-minute