Empowering Bereaved Caregivers to Facilitate the Grief Process in Their Children

Wednesday, November 7, 2012: 10:00 AM-11:00 AM
Primary Presenter:
Holly Herring, MS, APRN
Area of Emphasis: Bereavement
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe four common grief reactions in children and adults with a special focus on the effects of grief on the family system.
2. Identify three ways in which parents can facilitate the grieving process among all family members
3. Discuss three interventions for use by parents or professionals working with grieving children
When a family experiences the death of a loved one, parents and caregivers have the dual responsibility of fostering their children’s grief process while grieving themselves. This workshop will examine common reactions to grief among parents and children, as well as explore how bereavement professionals can support, empower and assist grieving families and how parents can facilitate the grief process for their children and themselves.
See more of: 90-minute workshop