Using Play Therapy Interventions With Grieving and Chronically Ill Children

Monday, November 5, 2012: 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Primary Presenter:
Melissa C. Connolly, MSW, LICSW, RPT
Natalie Kinsky, BA, CCLS
Area of Emphasis: Psychosocial Care
Learning Objectives:
1. Define grief and traumatic grief
2. Apply new and innovative play therapy techniques to assist children and families experiencing grief and chronic illness
3. Describe a step by step model of assessing bereaved children
This very practical workshop will present creative engagement, assessment and treatment interventions to make therapy sessions more meaningful and effective for families experiencing chronic illness.  Faculty will present interventions to help participants address issues such as traumatic grief, preparing for end of life and anger management.
See more of: 90-minute workshop