What Will Your Life Review Say About You?: Creating Quality of Life Now

Monday, November 5, 2012: 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Primary Presenter:
Sarah McKinnon, MA
Area of Emphasis: Interdisciplinary Team
Learning Objectives:
1. Assess, across a continuum of eight areas, one's current individual life balance
2. Define a working life purpose through the identification of three areas of passion
3. List within each area of passion, concrete activities to bring greater balance to one's personal and professional life
Donald Schumacher, President and CEO
 of NHPCO, has often said,“we are making today the beds we will lie in tomorrow.”  Providing quality of life for terminally ill patients and their families is at the core of the hospice and palliative care mission - through our nursing, psychosocial, spiritual and personal care.  What we have to offer is based on what we have to give. What is your quality of life right now, in this moment?  Has the focus on the calling or purpose that brought you to end-of-life care become blurry? What will you have to share with those at your bedside when your time comes?  So often we know what we should be doing to fill our own cups, but are challenged to find a way to do it!’  This session will give you an opportunity to define what matters most to you, and ensure that what you give to yourself and what you have to give to others abounds.
See more of: 90-minute workshop