Increasing Hospice Use Through Community Partnerships

Thursday, October 15, 2015: 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
Dallas 1/2 (Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center) - Convention Center - Level 3
Primary Presenter:
Janelle Shearer, MA, BSN, CPHQ , Stratis Health, Bloomington, MN
Barry Baines, MD , Stratis Health, Bloomington, MN
Stratis Health, a Medicare Quality Improvement Organization, led a one-year special innovation project funded by CMS to help eligible patients receive hospice care sooner and to increase appropriate referrals and utilization of hospice care in three rural Minnesota communities. A summary of the community-based project, a review of the patient and provider resources, and the impact on hospice utilization will be presented. Practical strategies to promote conversations between patients and families and their physicians regarding goals of care and expectations of the outcomes of their serious illness will be offered along with tips on how physicians can reframe their approach to hospice appropriate prognosis and their conversations with patients and families.

Learning Objectives:
1. Describe a community partnership approach to increase earlier hospice referrals
2. Identify strategies to promote “goals of care” discussions when there is a serious illness
3. Identify data and apply lessons learned in the project

CE/CME: Nurse, Physician and Social Worker