“Hearing” What Matters Most: Using Technology to Enhance Quality and Provide True Patient-centered Care

Friday, October 16, 2015: 4:00 PM-5:00 PM
Mustang 2 (Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center) - Lone Star Tower - Level 3
Primary Presenter:
Martha Twaddle, MD, FACP, FAAHPM , Palliative Care, JourneyCare, Barrington, IL
Tom Riley , TapCloud LLC, Northbrook, IL
Healthcare seeks to be patient-family centered and yet struggles to create systems that truly customize the care experience to the individual patient and those who love them. In this session, faculty will discuss an innovative model of patient engagement that utilizes mobile technology to connect patients and their families with their healthcare team on a personal level. Instead of focusing only on their condition or diseases, this approach uncovers valuable insights into the day-to-day experience of at-risk patients and promotes adherence with a negotiated plan of care, improves medication management, dynamically gathers symptom information and improves anxiety and patient confidence. Reviewing case scenarios and the impact of e-monitoring will allow participants to see how technology can enhance the care of patients as well as aid in population management.

Learning Objectives:
1. Describe how technologic monitoring further enhances patient risk stratification
2. Discuss the impact of monitoring on symptom distress and patient outcomes – physical and psychological
3. Identify the impact of technologic monitoring on workflow, triage and provider satisfaction

CE/CME: Nurse, Physician and Social Worker