CMS Concurrent Care Demonstration Project and Lessons Learned

Friday, April 8, 2011: 3:15 PM-4:15 PM
Primary Presenter:
Judi Lund Person, MPH
Cindy Massuda
Area of Emphasis: Public Policy and Advocacy
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the purpose of the Concurrent Care Demo
2. Identify CMS' plan for the Concurrent Care Demo
3. Relate how the rural demonstration project informs the development of the Concurrent Care Demo
When the Affordable Care Act was passed by Congress and signed into law in March 2010, one provision authorized a demonstration project for up to 15 sites to test the provision of hospice care and other Medicare services concurrently, commonly called "the Concurrent Care Demo."  This session will discuss CMS' plan for the demo, what the timeline will look like and how the rural demonstration project informs the development of this demo and provides "lessons learned" for hospice providers.
See more of: Invited Proposals