Straight A Leadership for Seasoned Hospice Executives

Tuesday, April 5, 2011: 8:00 AM-3:30 PM
Primary Presenter:
Dale Knee, PhD
Quint Studer
Area of Emphasis: Executive Leadership
Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss the concept and application of "Straight A Leadership"
2. Describe behaviors needed by leaders to achieve goals
3. Apply straight forward way leaders can perform alignment, actions and accountability in their organization
4. Observe and receive practical tools to use in individual participant's organization

Everyone in an organization must truly understand the behaviors that are needed to be successful, otherwise the organization will not fully achieve its goals. There is a tendency in organizations, including hospice and palliative care organizations, to be "consistently inconsistent" in many aspects of daily operations. Practicing "Straight A Leadership" techniques in the areas of Alignment, Action, and Accountability will assist seasoned leaders in the development of practical, useable, and beneficial solutions to solve problems created by a lack of consistency in operations. If you have been a hospice executive for at least a year and want to challenge yourself and your organization to new heights of excellence, this seminar is for you.

See more of: Invited Proposals