Fund a Need Secrets: How Your Fundraising Gala Can Raise an Additional $5k, $50k or $100k+ in 15 minutes

Saturday, March 29, 2014: 10:00 AM-11:00 AM
Chesapeake 4-6 (Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center)
Primary Presenter:
Sherry Truhlar, MA, CMP, BAS, CAI
Area of Emphasis: Fund Development
Learning Objectives:
1. Determine which Fund a Need will be most appropriate to use, given your event’s structure and your guests’ age and emotional commitment
2. Construct a compelling “ask” using a structure that activates guests “DONATE NOW” switch
3. Employ marketing techniques to improve awareness of your mission so guests are saturated with the cause and need
Fund a Needs are called different names – Raise the Paddle, Special Appeals – but the gist is the same: Ask guests to raise their hand to make a donation to your hospice.  These “asks” can generate more than a live auction in its entirety, but they can also be integrated into events with NO auctions. Fact is, if you've got a crowd, YOU can organize a fabulous Fund-a-Need that raises money.  Imagine nearly every one of your guests pledging a contribution to your hospice. Your donor base swells with contributions from new donors … and it happens in 15 minutes! If you’re not doing this, you should be. And if you’ve been holding one, are you doing it for the best effect? Join this session to learn a process enabling even first-timers to nail it.
  • Fund a Need handout.pdf (331.0 kB)
  • MLC14_10E_Fund_a_Need_Secrets.pdf (3.9 MB)
  • See more of: 60-minute session