Top Ten Fundamentals of Fundraising

Thursday, March 27, 2014: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Chesapeake 7-9 (Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center)
Primary Presenter:
William R. Crowe, MBA, PhD
Deborah Crowe, BA, LNHA
Area of Emphasis: Fund Development
Learning Objectives:
1. Identify target donors including individuals, foundations and corporations
2. Reduce "call hesitancy" to ask for support
3. Advance current efforts from fundraiser events to an established fundraising strategy
Professional fundraising is more than just a talent. It is a learned skill. Given the extraordinary pressure on hospice resources, fundraising is an increasingly important element of hospice operations. This session will provide the participant with ten concrete fundraising fundamentals. From novice to expert, attendees will gain a new perspective on how to ask for major gifts and endowments. Discussion of psychology and motivation of donors to give, based on thousands of donor interactions and relationships, will provide the participant with a solid foundation for establishing, building and maintaining donor relationships.
  • MLC14_3C_TopTenFundamentalsofFundraising [Compatibility Mode].pdf (51.6 kB)
  • See more of: 60-minute session