Changing American Beliefs About Death: Is it OK to Die?

Thursday, March 27, 2014: 3:15 PM-4:15 PM
National Harbor 15 (Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center)
Primary Presenter:
Monica Williams-Murphy, MD
Area of Emphasis: Access, Community Engagement and Marketing
Learning Objectives:
1. Identify American cultural beliefs and practices that have led to the 90-70 Dilemma (90% of Americans wish to die at home, yet more than 70% of us die in medical institutions)
2. Describe conscious changes that individuals can make to shift how American culture approaches the end of life from educational, interpersonal, and technological perspectives
3. Discuss social and economic factors that will support changes in the end-of-life paradigm
There is an underlying, unanalyzed set of beliefs and practices that modern Americans have developed which have created our dependence on high technology at the end of life. To transition to high touch medicine (palliative care and hospice) these beliefs must be articulated, analyzed and then consciously altered to create a better end of life experience, a "good death" for all Americans.
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  • MLC14_4J_ChangingAmericaBeliefsAboutDeath [Compatibility Mode].pdf (1.1 MB)
  • See more of: 60-minute session