Growing Revenue by Growing Family/Self Referrals

Saturday, April 23, 2016: 11:15 AM-12:15 PM
National Harbor 11 (Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center) - 3rd Level
Stan Massey, Transcend Hospice Marketing Group, Holland, OH and Andrea Durfey, Transcend Hospice Marketing Group, Holland, OH
Learn why growing admissions from family/self referrals is a huge and largely untapped opportunity to grow hospice revenue. Gain insights into what family healthcare decision makers know and think about hospice care and its providers based on surveys of more than 10,000 families. See real-world results of marketing directly to consumers along with tips on reaching them to encourage family/self referrals.

Learning Objectives:
1. Identify the right mix of referral sources
2. Discuss how hospice organizations can grow family/ self referrals
3. Describe how the increase from family/self referrals can help add revenue

CE/CME: Nurse, Physician and Social Worker