Everyone Pulls Their Weight! Building Strong Interdisciplinary Teams: The Management/Leadership Role

Monday, September 18, 2017: 3:15 PM-4:45 PM
Gary Gardia, MEd, MSW, LCSW ,Gary Gardia, Inc, Alto, NM
Pain and symptom management is an important part of the care we provide, but it is only PART of what we do. Where is the rest of the team?! Consider for a moment your IDT meetings. How involved is everyone in the room? We are required to provide “counseling” yet many struggle with defining it or even understanding what it means in terms of hospice care (beyond providing “emotional/spiritual support”). We know that Social Workers and Chaplains play a critical role in pain and symptom management (within their scopes of practice) yet is everyone on your team aware of the specific evidence-based skill sets they might use to accomplish these goals? This session is designed to provide hospice managers/leaders with an understanding of what it means to have truly effective INTERdisciplinary teams by raising the bar for counseling and recognizing, “We are all responsible for all of the goals”. Detailed information about skill sets and methods will be provided.

Learning Objectives:
1. Differentiate multidisciplinary care from interdisciplinary care
2. Define the word “counseling” as it applies to the provision of hospice care
3. Discuss 4 ways to “raise the bar” for social work and chaplain involvement on the team