Providing Quality Hospice Care in Challenging Situations: Keeping Patients, Families and Staff Safe

Tuesday, November 6, 2012: 1:15 PM-2:45 PM
Primary Presenter:
Sara Williams McGill, LCSW
Brenda Jean Martin, RN, HCRM
Area of Emphasis: Psychosocial Care
Learning Objectives:
1. 1. Participants will recognize that communication and collaboration are key elements to successful care plan implementation and will be able to describe methods for enhancing same.
2. 1. Participants will identify concrete examples of tools used to assess risk, intervene in unsafe situations, reduce drug diversion and address other challenging situations.
3. 1. Participants will have the opportunity to analyze their challenges with the speakers and with each other in order to formualte new stategies for success with challenging patients.

Hospice care is provided to a cross section of the population. In recent years, our population has faced unemployment, lost homes, increased violence, prescription drug abuse and mental health issues. These stressors, combined with the needs of the dying, present unprecedented challenges to patients and families as well as to hospice team members. Hospices must utilize all of their resources, and the resources of the community, to address the needs of their patients while ensuring the safety and emotional resiliency of their staff.  This presentation will look at a large urban hospice’s response to these challenges, from assessment to intervention, while providing quality end of life care to high risk populations.

See more of: 90-minute workshop