Palliative Care Across the Age Continuum: Transitioning Children with Complex Chronic Medical Conditions into Adult Care

Wednesday, November 7, 2012: 11:15 AM-12:15 PM
Primary Presenter:
Britni Lookabaugh, MD
Sarah Friebert, MD
Area of Emphasis: Pediatric Palliative and End-of-Life Care
Learning Objectives:
1. Define the population of young adults with complex chronic pediatric conditions with palliative care needs
2. Review the current need for the development of transition programs
3. Discuss the current standards for transition programs for other disciplines and how these standards can be applied to palliative care
This session is intended for pediatric and adult providers interested in issues specifically related to the transition of young adults with complex chronic pediatric medical conditions to adult palliative care.  We will describe our current research with this population and their specific palliative care needs.  We will also evaluate the current literature on the development and implementation of transition programs in other disciplines and how these paradigms can be applied to the palliative care population.
See more of: 60-minute