MOPAT: A New Tool For Assessing Pain In Hospice Patients Who Can’t Self-Report

Monday, November 5, 2012: 2:45 PM-3:45 PM
Primary Presenter:
Joan Harrold, MD, MPH, FACP, FAAHPM
Deborah M. Bortle, MS, BSN, CHPN , Deborah McGuire, PhD, RN, FAAN , Karen Kaiser, PhD, RN , Karen Soeken, PhD and JoAnne Reifsnyder, PhD, ACHPN
Area of Emphasis: Advances in Pain and Symptom Management
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the validity, reliability and utility of MOPAT in hospice
2. Implement MOPAT in hospice programs
3. Evaluate quality measures following initiation of MOPAT across settings
Hospices have always endeavored to assess pain in patients unable to report their own pain. We have used facial expressions, vocalizations and other elements of clinical judgment as well as tools developed for use in non-hospice populations. Now there is a pain assessment tool for hospice and palliative care that has been validated by Hospice of Lancaster County and the University of Maryland School of Nursing in more than 250 patients. Learn about the reliability and validity of the Multidimensional Objective Pain Assessment Tool as demonstrated in a hospice setting. Hear what hospice staff said about the utility and ease of use of the MOPAT. Discover ways to utilize MOPAT in your program through review of the results of our QAPI initiative to implement the tool across all care settings.
See more of: 90-minute workshop