Lessons from the Trenches: Transforming the Experience of People with Advanced Illness

Friday, October 16, 2015: 2:45 PM-3:45 PM
Dallas 6/7 (Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center) - Convention Center - Level 3
Primary Presenter:
Lori Attivissimo, MD , Hospice Care Network, Woodbury, NY
James D'Olimpio, MD, FACP, FAAHPM , Monter Cancer Center of the North Shore Cancer Institute/North Shore –LIJ Health System, Lake Success, NY
With the belief that everyone should experience the end of life in a way that is driven by patients' goals and wishes, provides maximum symptom management to ensure comfort and allows patients to remain in their home setting, the Hospice Care Network/Miracle Foundation Home Based Palliative Care Program and Monter Center (an outpatient oncology practice) collaborated to offer a Supportive Care Program to cancer patients with advanced illness who are still receiving treatment. This session will discuss strategies for providing care and services which support patients, managing their symptoms and ultimately facilitating earlier transitions to quality end-of-life care.

Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss how a home based palliative care program can partner with an oncology practice to collaborate to enhance a patient's quality of life
2. Describe the value of transferability of similar projects to other advanced illnesses to a health system
3. Identify challenges to sustain home based programs

CE/CME: Pharmacist, Counselor, Nurse, Physician and Social Worker