Optimal Healing Environments in Hospice and Palliative Care

Friday, October 16, 2015: 2:45 PM-3:45 PM
Mustang 4 (Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center) - Lone Star Tower - Level 3
Primary Presenter:
Bonnie Sakallaris, PhD, RN , Samueli Institute, Alexandria, VA
Carla Cheatham, MA, MDiv, PhD, TRT , Buckner Hospice, Austin, TX
NHPCO and the Samueli Institute have joined together to develop a model for hospice and palliative care providers to create optimal healing environments (OHE) for their patients and families. An OHE is one that surrounds the individual with elements that facilitate the innate healing process. The OHE framework developed over the last decade is based on the belief that healing can occur even when cure is not possible. Creating an OHE improves outcomes and quality of life for patients suffering, specifically related to pain, anxiety, dyspnea, helplessness, and finding meaning in suffering. This session will provide practical applications for hospice providers to: integrate healing oriented practices into clinical protocols and intake procedures; teach all care providers, staff and volunteers techniques to facilitate healing for themselves and patients; and manage the patient’s home environment as a healing space.

Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the components of an OHE
2. Apply specific principles of an OHE to themselves and their clinical practice
3. Access evidence for integrating healing practices into their care

CE/CME: Counselor, Nurse, Physician and Social Worker