The Aetna Comprehensive Supportive Care Program

Thursday, October 15, 2015: 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
Dallas 6/7 (Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center) - Convention Center - Level 3
Primary Presenter:
Martha Twaddle, MD, FACP, FAAHPM , Palliative Care, JourneyCare, Barrington, IL
Joseph V. Agostini, MD , Aetna Medicare, Hartford, CT
People living with multiple chronic progressive medical conditions have increasing difficulty in accessing consistent supportive care that will continue with them throughout the continuum of illness and end of life. Their limited access to longitudinal primary care along with their increasing palliative care needs leads to an ever more rapid cycle of exacerbation and hospitalization. Since 2005, Aetna has provided support to its members living with serious illness through its Compassionate Care case management program. In early 2015, Aetna launched a pilot with Aspire Health Medical Partners to expand and bring supportive care to its members through a home-based care delivery model. This session will review the pilot program, discuss the demographics of those enrolled and review the outcomes achieved through this innovative care model.

Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss the patient population who may benefit from this model of care
2. Review the clinical model, the integrated interdisciplinary team approach, and the team structure and function
3. Describe the metrics and outcomes achieved by this delivery model

CE/CME: Nurse, Physician and Social Worker