The Seven Disciplines of Board Responsibility

Thursday, April 7, 2011: 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Primary Presenter:
Richard Maxwell III, MHA
Area of Emphasis: Executive Leadership
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe and discuss the seven disciplines that should guide and inform everyone who serves on a board of directors
2. Describe the framework and process for making the work of boards understandable and accessible by employing the seven disciplines
Being an effective board member is not about running the organization. You have a chief executive for that. It is about keeping your nose in the events and efforts of the organization while keeping your fingers out of its operations. It is about overseeing the organization to set direction with the best interests of the owners in mind (whether your owners are members of the community you serve or shareholders). This fast-paced session will guide you through the seven disciplines that all board members should not only aspire to, but achieve. For CEO’s who work closely with board members, this session can help frame your thinking about the entire process of working with boards.
See more of: 90-minute workshop