President’s Forum: Predictions for Future Success

Thursday, March 29, 2012: 2:15 PM-3:15 PM
National Harbor 2 (Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center)
Primary Presenter:
Jeannee Parker Martin, RN, MPH
William Finn, MBA , Betsy Gornet, FACHE , Jeffrey Preuss and Gretchen Brown, MSW
Area of Emphasis: Executive Leadership
Learning Objectives:
1. List common strategies that agencies are utilizing to ensure success
2. Identify majors tends in healthcare impacting hospice providers
3. Describe the features of a successful hospice provider in 2016
This session features nationally recognized leaders representing various hospice provider types (free-standing, multi-state, non-profit, for-profit and health system-based) predicting what it will take to ensure your hospice’s success in the future environment. This provocative interactive discussion will provide insights into strategies they are implementing to secure their agency’s future success. Topics covered will include: top diversification strategies; partnering and alignment strategies – ACOs, TCMs, AIM; winners and losers under healthcare reform; creative cost reduction; best bet technologies; and much more.
See more of: 60-minute session