You Can’t be Extraordinary Without an Extraordinary People Development System

Friday, March 28, 2014: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Chesapeake 7-9 (Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center)
Primary Presenter:
Andrew Reed, CPA
Area of Emphasis: Advanced Operational Innovations
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the importance of moving to the paradigm of a teaching organization first and foremost
2. Explore many of the methods of master-class teachers to create a learning experience
3. Construct an innovative, effective and efficient people development system to create an extraordinary customer experience
How can a hospice be extraordinary without having an extraordinary people development system? The answer is, it can’t. It is a fantasy to believe otherwise. A hospice cannot become a positive outlier without effective and efficient talent attraction, selection, development and a retention processes. This session will focus on creating a world class training system where the paradigm of the hospice changes to that of a “teaching organization” first and foremost.
  • MLC14_6F_You Can't be Extraordinary Without an Extraordinary...pdf (440.9 kB)
  • See more of: 60-minute session