Ice To Eskimos: Strategies For Demonstrating The Value Of Hospice Care To A Death-Averse Audience

Friday, March 28, 2014: 2:00 PM-3:00 PM
National Harbor 10 (Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center)
Primary Presenter:
Stephen A. Leedy, MD, FAAHPM
Rebecca Lewis, BS, PharmD, MBA
Area of Emphasis: Access, Community Engagement and Marketing
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the challenges in making the case for hospice to a death-averse audience and identify strategies for overcoming these
2. Describe the value of a professional sales force in increasing access to hospice services
3. Detail several novel approaches to community and physician engagement
If you think selling ice to Eskimos is hard, try selling hospice in 21st century America! Kubler-Ross described us as a “death-denying society” and Freud noted that “each of us, in the unconscious, is convinced of their immortality”. Strategies for successfully engaging such a death-averse populace in discussions about advanced illness and hospice care will be described. Specific tools targeting referring physicians will be demonstrated.
  • MLC14_7F_Ice To Eskimos [Compatibility Mode].pdf (3.7 MB)
  • See more of: 60-minute session