Building Collaborative Relationships in Your Community - A Team Approach

Thursday, April 21, 2016: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM
National Harbor 11 (Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center) - 3rd Level
Sandra Huster, BA, Covenant Hospice, Inc, Pensacola, FL and Melinda M. Graham Gruber, MBA, CFRE, Hospice at Home, St. Joseph, MI
This session is provided by NCHPP's Developmental/Public Relations/Marketing and Volunteer/Volunteer Manager Sessions.

The growth of your hospice and palliative care organization cannot be solely dependent upon professional marketers. This session will explore a team approach to building community coalitions and strategic partnerships that result in care to more patients, families and community members and increased engagement.  Explore ways that these departments/professionals, and others, can work together to increase outreach, education, and access to care while engaging community members as referral sources, donors and volunteers. Discover opportunities to remove silos and maximize current staff resources. Take home ideas for creating synergy within your team and tools for engaging more people in the growth and success of your agency.

Learning Objectives:
1. Identify departments and staff members who will be given ownership for growth of your agency
2. List key community partners and the role of your agency departments in building these coalitions
3. Develop an inter-departmental strategic plan for outreach, education and access to care, and measure the outcomes of the plan

CE/CME: Counselor, Nurse and Social Worker