Thinking Outside the Box: The Collaborative and Creative Use of Staff and Volunteers in a Bereavement Program

Wednesday, May 3, 2017: 10:00 AM-11:00 AM
Lincoln East (Washington Hilton) - Concourse Level
Deborah Geffen-Jones, AA, NCBF, Gilchrist Hospice Care, Hunt Valley, MD and Dawn A. Tippett, MSW, LCSW-C, CT, Gilchrist Hospice Care, Hunt Valley, MD
Dedicated bereavement volunteers are of immeasurable value to a hospice program, allowing a hospice organization to reach more bereaved clients in a variety of ways that would not be possible by staff alone. Gilchrist Grief Services, with the use of engaged and specially trained volunteers, has created a robust bereavement program for their clients and the community at large. This session will enable participants to replicate a similar program, enhance activities offered by both staff and volunteers as well as use bereavement services and social media as a strong marketing tool.

Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss how a strong bereavement volunteering training can enhance a program
2. Describe a unique way of integrating bereavement volunteers and paid staff into a successful bereavement program
3. Replicate this unique program in your own practice

CE/CME: Counselor and Social Worker