Guided Imagery and Dream Processing: Providing Comfort Care and Support During Life's Final Journey

Monday, September 18, 2017: 3:15 PM-4:45 PM
Gretchen Franklin, LISW ,Stein Hospice Service, Inc., Sandusky, OH
Guided imagery and dream processing can be used as healing techniques for psychosocial and spiritual care. The purpose of this session is to increase knowledge and awareness of alternative methods of healing/care for palliative and hospice patients. The goal of the session is to encourage the use of guided imagery and dream processing by healthcare providers and agencies so that more patients may benefit from these amazing techniques.

Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss research-based evidence supporting use of guided imagery and dream processing
2. List the physical and psychosocial benefits of guided imagery and dream processing
3. Describe a plan for incorporating guided imagery and dream interpretation into palliative/hospice patient care

CE/CME: Counselor, Nurse, Physician and Social Worker