Medication Waste - Public Safety and Cost Savings Opportunities in Hospice

Friday, April 8, 2011: 3:15 PM-4:15 PM
Primary Presenter:
Rebecca Lewis, BS, PharmD, MBA
Kate Woods, JD, MPH(c)
Area of Emphasis: Advanced Operational Innovations
Learning Objectives:
1. Examine how the improper disposal or transfer of medication in the home care setting impacts hospice
2. Analyze regulatory requirements and operational needs for hospices
3. Develop an appropriate framework for policies and procedures related to medication waste and disposal
The media is filled with stories about morbidity and mortality events related to the illicit use and diversion of medications in the home setting. Of particular focus is the transfer of controlled substances which are a mainstay in palliative symptom management. Hospice has the prime opportunity to take a key leadership role in creating best practices for safe medication use and appropriate disposal practices. This session will review the current environment for medication disposition and the new and impending federal level legislation.
See more of: 60-minute session