Inspire. Motivate. Engage. Build. Gain Successful Strategies for Spreading the Hospice Message

Friday, April 8, 2011: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Primary Presenter:
Jean Anderson
Mary Wichmann , Timothy Richard, JD and Amy DuBois, PMP
Area of Emphasis: Fund Development
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe donors’ motivation and current research in philanthropy
2. Identify one innovative strategy for building programs and securing a financial foundation
3. Examine the most common estate planning vehicles used in planned giving
What assets exist in your hospice that could be utilized to inspire and motivate new and existing donors, engage your community and build a strong foundation for the future? In this session, Hospice of the Red River Valley will discuss one example of an innovative strategy built around a volunteer’s beautifully written memoir, Hi, I’m Mary. Learn how to utilize the idea of community gatherings, which feature volunteer and board advocates, to foster powerful support.
See more of: 60-minute session